International Symposium
on Salmonella & Salmonellosis

June 23 - 25, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France
Submit your abstract

Advancing Salmonella and Salmonellosis research together for public health

Dear all,

We are pleased to welcome you to the 10th edition of the International Symposium Salmonella and Salmonellosis (I3S), taking place on June 23-25, 2025, at the Palais du Grand Large, Saint-Malo, France. Since its inception in 1992, the I3S has seen great success, drawing scientists worldwide who continue to attend. Saint-Malo, with its historic fortified walls and salty sea breeze, adds to the event’s welcoming atmosphere.

We warmly greet all participants from academic, governmental, and industrial fields. Salmonella remains a global public health concern, affecting humans, animals, plants, and the environment. Our goal is to enhance understanding of this pathogen, covering topics such as occurrence, traceability, standards, methods, evolutionary genomics, infection mechanisms, antimicrobial resistance, public health impact, risk assessment, and prevention strategies.

We sincerely thank the speakers, sponsors, organizers, and attendees for their dedication. The I3S serves as a platform for valuable discussions, knowledge exchange, and networking among scientists from diverse backgrounds. We anticipate engaging debates, enlightening presentations, and new collaborations to advance science and improve global health. Together, we strive for better understanding, management, and control of salmonellosis.

We look forward to welcoming you in Saint-Malo, where history and beauty await!

Marianne Chemaly, Chair of the Organizing and Scientific Committee and Pierre Colin,  Honorary Chair

DR marianne chemaly _ ANSES

Since 1992, the I3S Congress on Salmonella and Salmonellosis has been a vital event in global health, founded by ANSES researchers and held triennially in Brittany’s Saint-Malo. Committed to advancing scientific knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration, it addresses the pervasive threat of Salmonella, aiming to deepen understanding and develop effective strategies. The congress fosters camaraderie and innovation, serving as a platform for discussions, knowledge exchange, and networking among scientists worldwide, anticipating lively debates and forging collaborations for improved global health.

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first edition


people expected


countries represented


Scientific committee

ANSES, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety, is a leading public institution dedicated to ensuring the safety of food, the environment, and the workplace. 

Institut Pasteur is a renowned international research institute dedicated to the study of infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology. 

INRAE is a leading French research institute focused on agriculture, food, and environmental sciences. 

Santé Publique France is the national public health agency of France, dedicated to protecting and improving the health of the population. 


INNOZH, a French Center for Technological Resources leads innovation in animal health and production. 


Session 1

Interactions between Salmonella hosts and microbiota

Isabelle Virlogeux-Payant, Co-head of the group « Signalling, carriage and virulence of bacteria” in the Infectious Diseases and Public Health Department, INRAE 

Mikael Sellin, Professor of Molecular Medicine – Infection BiologyUppsala University

Salmonella is a facultative intracellular bacterium found within various phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells and able to infect a wide variety of hosts belonging to the animal and plant kingdoms. The success of host colonization by Salmonella relies on its ability to interact with host cells, to resist the host immune response and to outcompete the microbiota. The session devoted to « Interactions between Salmonella, their hosts and the microbiota » aims to bring together the scientific community working on a variety of hosts and models (at the bacterial, cell, organoid or animal level) and allow them to present their recent findings and discuss future challenges. 

Session 2

Ecology and epidemiology along the food chain and beyond

Marianne Chemaly, Scientific Director Food Safety, Head of HQPAP Unit, Anses

Co-chair : José Emilio Esteban, Undersecretary for Food Safety United States Department of Agricuture (USDA)

Epidemiological investigations for sampling and tracing Salmonella contamination throughout the food chain and the possible control measures applied are the focus of this session. It covers the contamination of the food chain by Salmonella, from farm to fork and the environment. Communications addressed to this session would deal with the contamination and follow-up of animals, plants and environmental premises, and the control at the primary production, processing and at retail levels. Communications covering emerging serovars in domestic and wild animals are also welcomed in this session.

Session 3

Risk assessment and control measures

Laurent Guillier, Project Manager, ANSES

Lisa Barco, Head Veterinarian of the National Reference Center for Salmonellosis, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of the Venezie

The impact on risk of control measures for Salmonella applied along the farm to fork chain is the main scope of this session. Communications addressed to this session should deal with concrete examples on control measures or with modelling approaches for exposure assessment, risk characterization.  Source attributions models are also welcomed in this session.

Session 4

Antimicrobial resistance and horizontal gene transfer

Benoît Doublet, Research Director, head of research group on antimicrobial resistance, INRAE

Marie Anne Chattaway, Joint Head of Specialist Scientific Reference Service (Salmonella), Higher Specialist Scientific Trainee (Royal Free Hospital), UK Health Security Agency

Antimicrobial resistance is a main public health challenge worldwide. Fighting this threat is a public health priority that requires a collaborative global approach across sectors. Although most human Salmonella diarrheal infections are self-limiting, invasive infections can occur that require antimicrobial therapy. Over the past decades, emergence of multidrug resistant serotypes of Salmonella have been observed, sometimes including resistances to critically important antibiotics which can cause treatment failures.
This session will focus on the molecular epidemiology of emerging antimicrobial resistant serotypes of Salmonella. All antimicrobial resistance mechanisms will be also considered such as target modification, protection of the target, efflux, decreased permeability, enzymatic inactivation as well as induction of resistance mutagenesis… All horizontal gene transfer mechanisms implicated in the successful spread of mobile genetic elements harbouring resistance genes (plasmids, integrative elements, phages…) will be also of interest as well as genetic defence systems in this session.

Session 5

Evolutionary and comparative genomics

François-Xavier Weill, MD, PhD, Enteric Bacterial Pathogens Unit, Institut Pasteur 

Rob Kingsley, Professor of Microbiology, University of East Anglia, Quadram Institute Bioscience

Over the last two decades, microbial genomics has revolutionised our understanding of the diversity, evolution, and function of Salmonella. This session is therefore dedicated to the use of whole genome sequencing to study population structure, phylogeography and evolution of Salmonella populations of interest (e.g., emerging or re-emerging, antimicrobial drug-resistant, ancient DNA and historical isolates, ….).
Beyond genome evolution and comparative genomics, communications can also cover any of the following fields: bioinformatics infrastructure and analysis tools, genomic data and nomenclature, compatibility with former typing methods.

Session 6

Update on reference methods and new alternative methods for Salmonella detection, quantification and identification

Bertrand Lombard, Project Manager – Reference coordination, ANSES

Co-chair: Kirsten Mooijman, Researcher in microbiology and director of the Salmonella Reference Laboratory, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) in the Netherlands

This session intends to give the latest news regarding expected changes in the ISO reference methods for the detection and identification of Salmonella in the food chain (ISO 6579-parts 1 and 4), as well as regarding innovative (proprietary or non-proprietary) methods that can be used as alternative to the ISO reference methods for Salmonella detection, quantification and identification. Communications proposed for this session should deal with reference methods at ISO, regional or national levels and/or new alternative methods, with a focus on their intended use and degree of validation.

Session 7

Epidemiology and public health

Nathalie Jourdan-da Silva, Senior medical epidemiologist, Santé Publique France

Co-chair : Lesley LARKIN, Interim Deputy Director, Gastrointestinal Infections and Food Safety (One Health) Division, Clinical and Public Health Group, UK Health Security Agency

Salmonella is an important public health challenge in many countries. Improved surveillance and investigations supported by whole genome sequencing are better defining the nature of the challenge. This session will provide updates on the emerging Salmonella strains, vehicles of transmission, and potential to target improved prevention measures.

1 - Interactions between Salmonella hosts and microbiota

Isabelle Virlogeux-Payant, Co-head of the group « Signalling, carriage and virulence of bacteria” in the Infectious Diseases and Public Health Department, INRAE 

2 - Ecology, epidemiology and control along the food chain and beyond

Marianne Chemaly, Scientific Director Food Safety, Head of HQPAP Unit, Anses

Co-chair : José Emilio Esteban, Undersecretary for Food Safety United States Department of Agricuture (USDA)

3 - Risk assessment and source attribution

Laurent Guillier, Project Manager, ANSES

4 - Antimicrobial resistance and horizontal gene transfer

Benoît Doublet, Research Director, head of research group on antimicrobial resistance, INRAE

5 - Evolutionary and comparative genomics

François-Xavier Weill, MD, PhD, Enteric Bacterial Pathogens Unit, Institut Pasteur 

6 - Update on reference methods and new alternative methods for Salmonella detection, quantification and identification

Bertrand Lombard, Project Manager – Reference coordination, ANSES

Co-chair: Kirsten Mooijman, Researcher in microbiology and director of the Salmonella Reference Laboratory, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) in the Netherlands



Abstract submission system:

I3S congress has strategically chosen to leverage the platform for abstract management due to its robust features tailored for academic events. was developed by CCSD, a French research support unit under the supervision of CNRS, INRIA, and INRAE, serving scientific and academic communities.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or encounter any issues during the submission process : i3scongress[@]

I3S congress Abtract submission Calendar


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Dear Prospective Sponsors,

We extend our deepest gratitude for your consideration in supporting the International Symposium Salmonella and Salmonellosis (I3S). Your partnership is integral to our mission of advancing research, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation in the field of Salmonella. Together, we can make a significant impact on global health, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work alongside you in this endeavor.

With appreciation,
The Organizing Committee


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Saint- Malo, France

Join us in Saint-Malo, a stunning coastal gem in Brittany, France, for the I3S Congress. Known for its rich maritime history and impressive ancient ramparts, Saint-Malo offers breathtaking sea views and a glimpse into its corsair past.

The Palais des Congrès, our event venue, sits at the base of these historic walls, offering delegates panoramic sea views. Enjoy the city’s pristine beaches, charming streets filled with boutiques and cafés, and the serene waterfront promenade.

Experience the perfect blend of natural beauty, history, and coastal charm at the I3S Congress in Saint-Malo.


Getting to the Venue


The event registration platform is opening in September!

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registration fees

INNOZH, 2 Rue Jean Rostand, 22440 Ploufragan, FRANCE

E-mail :

Phone : +33 2 96 76 61 52

An event organized by innozh